Saturday, February 1, 2014

Adventures in Casting: When Taking an Acting Class Pays Off

In the last episode, I talked about the new scene I wrote and ended with searching for the lucky lady who would play the Ice Queen, Aunt Pam. Well, after a relatively short search and a lot of luck, I found her. The actress who will play Aunt Pam and she is perfect!

 I know Ami from an acting class I took (which I recommend all aspiring directors take). She was always really great in all the scenes she was in and is heavily involved in the theater productions. Needless to say, she knows a thing or two about acting. I loved working with her and even have a bit of experience directing her. She was great. Always brought a lot of energy and class to every scene she was in.

Pictured: My acting class. I'm the one with no shirt.

I got a hold of her from the acting teacher Varlo Davenport and told her about the project. She was in and we quickly got together for a read. Ben Banks and I were blown away. Ami was AMAZING! She channeled a over privileged rich bitch so well it was scary. I joked with her because I felt bad about thinking of her for this part because she does play a horrible person. She told me not to worry because she lives for these kind of roles.

A directing choice I made was to only have Ben work with her once because I want to keep that vibe of the two of them not knowing each other very well. I am so happy about her role in the movie because she will knock it out of the park.

Ami Porter. Girl be sizzling.

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